EPAD Support Surgeries, Wednesday 1 March 

There are still places left at our Support Surgeries on Wednesday 1 March.  These can be booked to attend in person at the Festival Theatre, or online.  

As always, an EPAD Surgery is your place to share ideas, ask questions or consider your plans and priorities.  We may be able to provide advice at the session, but our aim is to use this slot to learn as much as we can about the issue you bring and to find others in the city to advise and support you.   We know from experience that by facilitating these connections we are helping to spread knowledge and build community - two vital strands of our work and both key to achieving a better connected and more inclusive sector.

If you would like to book a Surgery, head to this link and select a  time that suits you.   If you can't make these dates, please email us on mail@epad.org.uk and we will try to find an alternative time to chat.


Co-Working at the Festival Theatre, Wednesday 8 March


EPAD Christmas Networking and Drink - Thursday 8 December